Hot Off The Press!
Aug 11, 2022
Because it is important that (even) Aurora Ramazzotti tell you about the clitoris
It is called sex positivity and it is, in these times of non-quantifiable social activisms, one of the most interesting and concrete ferments, if only one of those that can be realized immediately, even tonight in your homes: it wants to break down the age-old taboos on pleasure feminine .
Feb 10, 2022
Cheating Question: Is This Worse Than Cheating?
Is there anything worse than being cheated on? Apparently, there is, and one question recently posed on Oops The Podcast reveals one such example: “Would you rather your partner tried to cheat on you but was rejected, or [actually] cheated on you?”.
Mar 31, 2020
In a Socially Distant World, Artists Are Forging a New Era of Online Performance
Global efforts to restrict social gatherings have led to shuttered venues and canceled tours, cutting performing artists of all kinds off from income and opportunities to connect with live audiences. In an industry that’s often tumultuous to begin with, performers are now turning to technology-enabled alternatives to produce their art and make ends meet. The result is a newly vibrant artistic ecosystem, made possible by an army of laptops and smartphones.
Sep 30, 2019
Human female orgasm mystery cracked
An oversexed rabbit called Frank, aided by a veritable harem of bunnies on antidepressants, may well have cracked the mystery of the human female orgasm.
And to get why that’s major it helps to know two reasons the orgasm has been such an enduring enigma.
The first is that women don’t need to have an orgasm to conceive, which puts a big question mark over why it evolved in humans at all.
Second, orgasm rates vary wildly among women, ranging from the many to the few and right down to zero – US comedian Remy Kassimir even started her podcast How Cum to work out why she hadn’t had one.
May 28, 2019
6 Myths About Female Orgasms We Need To Debunk
The female orgasm is a V important topic that's finally becoming less taboo, but there's still a ton of fake news out there. And I'm not just talking about the large population of men who think that jackhammering against a woman's cervix is the only way to get her off (but that too).
Apr 17, 2019
How Cum?
It’s Escape Month at the Atelier, and what better escape than a big, blissful orgasm to temporarily transport you from your day-to-day grind? Well, easier said than done. It’s no secret that many women struggle to reach orgasm on their own or with a partner, despite what our favorite rom-coms tell us. Remy Kassimir is a stand-up comedian based in New York who, after years of brazenly tackling taboo subjects in her routines, decided to finally open up about her own struggles to achieve this carnal pleasure. At twenty-eight years old, Remy had never experienced an orgasm of her own and started a podcast to educate herself (and her listeners) on how exactly to achieve the ever-elusive O. How Cum is now on its second season and answering questions from listeners about female pleasure, relationships, and feeling confident in your own skin. We talk to Remy and How Cum producer Charlotte (also her sister!) about what they’ve learned, their dream guests, and what’s next for the Kassimir sisters.
Apr 12, 2019
Experts Weigh In On Why The "Consent Condom" Misses The Point
Conversations about consent are critical for ensuring that everyone is engaging in safe and healthy sex. In light of today's discussions surrounding consent, many companies are beginning to build products that can further the conversation — including Argentinian company Tulipán, which recently developed the world's first "consent condom." Elite Daily reached out to Tulipán for comment but didn't hear back by the time of publication. You might be wondering: what's a "consent condom?" According to CBS, it's a condom that cannot be opened unless four hands are touching it. While the idea of creating tools to enable the discourse around consent is a wonderful in theory, I wasn't sure how this condom would play into the prevention of sexual assault in practice.
Apr 1, 2019
7 Sex Toys That Don't Look So Phallic, Because That's Not Everyone's Jam
There are a number of reasons why you'd be in the market for sex toys that don't look like penises. In the same way that non-vibrating sex toys might be someone's preference, penetration just might not be your favorite sensation (say that five time fast). Conversations about sex that prioritize vaginal or anal penetrative pleasure, or have penises or dildos at the forefront exclude a whole population of people who can't or don't want to get off that way. Maybe penetrative sex is painful for you, or you are working through sexual trauma. Maybe penetration just doesn't feel good no matter how hard you try to get into it. All of these reasons for not being interested in penetrative sex (with others or yourself) are absolutely normal.
Apr 1, 2019
Introducing the Cosmo Stamp of Sexcellence
If you think working at Cosmo is all fun, games, and dildo deliveries...then you are correct. As the OG sexual-empowerment magazine, we field hundreds of pitches about new sex toys, products, services, and change-makers that are enhancing pleasure for women—but we know a true winner when we see one. Or 33. Behold, our ultimate picks.
Mar 19, 2019
I was 28 years old when I had my first orgasm. You're normal.
“Oh my god that’s horrible.” “I feel so bad for you.” “Are you sure?” “Not even alone?”
I won’t miss those questions being hurled my way, sensitively or as insensitively as they were, before I had my first orgasm. I was 28 when I had my first orgasm, but probably 24 when I admitted it to myself, and 27 when I started admitting it to other people.
Mar 19, 2019
13 Podcasts About Love And Sex To Spice Up Your Commute
The best podcasts make you feel like you’re chatting ― err, having a very one-sided conversation ― with a close friend. That ’s why the medium works so well when the topic at hand is love, sex or dating; if you find a good pod, it’s like listening to a smart friend dispensing his or her very best advice every week or so.