This might be way too sappy but I am re-listening to the Dirty Girl Privilege ep like for the 13th time. And you literally feel like a friend. You got me through some dark times and now I have told the person I love that he never made me cum which is like really fucking hard...but now we won't finish a sexual encounter without me cumming properly and it makes me so happy that he isn't judgmental that I lied, just happy to know. But I also recommend this to my sister back in like August last year and she loves it and it has actually made us closer and broken the barrier to talk about things that are super taboo in my family. And ALSO also I just watched a British TV show with my super judgmental mum about a trans girl who was a boy when she was 11 and decided she was not happy etc..my mum has always been so negative and not understanding of trans people at all. And now we're having proper, decent conversations about it where she understands and I just would have never ever brought it up if it wasn't for you. Also you might remember a story you reposted about a girl preaching the good word of How Cum at a party. That was me!!!! At a party my ex was at and idk it's so liberating to be open about feelings that we all feel. I just love you and Charlotte more than you can tell. This probably at this point sounds creepy. But I stumbled upon you when I was in Vancouver airport on my way back home to NZ in August after the literal worst trip of my life. I came home for my 21st birthday and I started walking everyday and listening to a podcast and you held me accountable for like what 30 odd days of podcast and it has put me on the right path. Got my head sorted out and I just love you all for giving me the courage to admit something I thought I might have to live with my fiancé forever...the fact I couldn't cum with him. Just thank you for everything and I know you have your struggles and meltdowns. If you ever need someone to send videos to rather than post on your story...I am a friend in NZ. You have touched my life and when I ever get to the states I want to make a point of meeting you because I think you are at the forefront of something great and you have made such a fab difference in a lot of people's lives. Thank you for being genuine and thank you for being no one but yourself!!!